Wednesday, February 27, 2013

TRANSFORMATION: A Minute With John Maxwell, Free Coaching Video

Have you ever seen a construction site? It's not pretty - there is dirt, debris, nails and tools everywhere.
It might be your own house under construction but you cannot LIVE there yet. The construction is not complete. 

A Caterpillar is a Butterfly under construction. People may have looked down on that poor little crawling worm. People may have written you off as a worthless, useless worm that won't amount to much in life. Little do people know that the greatest transformation starts inside where no one can see.
When God is done with him that crawling worm will fly in the sky with beautiful wings for the while world to admire. 
Transformation is change on the inside. Don't underestimate the importance of small changes in your life. Don't despise small victories in your life. One day all of the change inside will be manifested outside.

Transformation is God revealing to the world what he was doing under the covers.
All the change, all the lessons, all the failures, all the pain, all the joys, all the ups and all the down will one day be weaved into a beautiful tapestry of butterfly wings that will amaze this World.

So be patient as God is weaving a beautiful wing for you . Ignore the naysayers and the world that despises and rejects you. Don't try to win their approval as the best worm in town. Focus on the change inside.

Butterflies, Babies, Diamonds, Gold and Pearls have one thing in common- they were all formed and shaped in secret,away from the human eyes.
So focus on the change inside and wait for the completed work of transformation inside.

The most important part of any building is its foundation that's under ground. If a foundation is cracked the building in condemned.

The most important part of a man is the character inside not the exterior.
If the character is flawed all the decorations outside is meaningless.

Have a great day : )

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